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Partnership is EVERYTHING!

The only way we will win is together. You can definitely get there faster alone, but you get further through collaboration

Who says black people can't work together? We're proof!

Lets Partner! 

Our Mission

Business 911's mission is to support, educate, and empower low income and minority communities through Entrepreneurship and Education. We want to provide small businesses with the tools and resources to sustain for the long haul.

We are your businesses advocate.

Sponsor A Business

What does your support pay for?

LLC Renewal, Man Power, Marketing, Certifications, Licenses, Supplies, and More! 

Sponsor A Small Business Now!


Every dollar you spend with Business 911 is put back into programs, grants and education for local businesses.

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Hear how we impact!

Cherita Thompson.jpg

Cherita Thompson

I can't begin to tell you in a short period of time how Business 911 has made a huge impact on my life! Through my consultation we were able to build my website, marketing calendar tools, strategies, execution. Because of the time that they took with me, breaking it down step by step I understand the business language and I'm ready for my next level. Shey's work speaks for itself and the many accomplishments of her clients along with her students. I am truly blessed to have Mrs. Shey & Business 911 in my life!!

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Mail Forwarding Service

Mailbox Rental Services 

* Shredding

* Forwarding

* Scanning

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Ready to buy the building? Lets do it together!


Colorful Books

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Start your book here. Take a workshop or let us publish your book. Start Here!


Top 30 File Cabinet Small Business  Documents

Need documents created for your business?


* Policies

* Agreements

Scratch Barter Logo

Barter Program Business To Business Exchange

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Success School Flyer

Learn BEFORE you start for just $4.99*


Not sure about all that business jargon?

Visit Our Business #101 Video Library.

Learn what things mean BEFORE you invest!

New Business Owners or Existing Business Owners

Find out what it means to be in business and do go in blind. A Small price to pay and now you have no excuses. We will give you the basics of all things business. No questions are too small. If you have a question and want to see us do a video about it. Contact Us!
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