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Business Coach Certification (1)
|Online Event
Make money with your gifts! Become a Certified Business Coach!
2022年10月22日 9:00
Online Event
Thinking of becoming a Business Coach? Get Certified By the Notrom Group & Green Thumb Coaching.!
Our Coaching Certification will teach you how to access your gifts and what your good at and make money.
This Certification is good for:
* People who have been in a specific field or industry for (5) or more years and want to teach others to do it.
* For those who always find themselves solving others problems and you now want to do it professionally.
* Coaches who have been already coaching and want to step it up a notch.
* Those who love helping others but need to have structure and boundaries , as well as make money.
Whether you are one of those people or all. This certification program will have you ready to go!
Part: 1: In House Course - 9/26 to 10/31
Online - 6 weeks ( Sat. 9am-12non & Sun. 4pm-7pm )
1. You & Your Gifts
2. Coaching & You as a business
3. Coaching & Clients
4. Creating the Connection
5. Creating the Business
6. Execution & Marketing
Part 2: In Field Work - 11/7 to 12/15
Online - 6 weeks ( Sun. 4pm-5pm )
1. Promotions & Advertising
2. Social Media Marketing
3. Coaching / Discoveries - 20 Client Coaching Ours Required / will assist with getting clients
4. Live Training / Recorded Coaching Sessions
5. Forms, Scripts, Email Scripts
Must complete field work to recieve Business Coaching Certification. Clients just completing In House first 6 weeks will recieve a Course Completion Certification Only. Total Coaching Hours in program to complete : 70
Informational Session help for students : September 15th @ 7:30pm / Invite will be sent or chaeck event page for listing and link
Early Bird Tickets / TIL 10-1
You can save on this program by getting your tickets early! Save $150 if purchase by 10/1/22
$547.00販売終了General Admission
Ready to become a Certified Business Coach? This is for any type of industry!